$27.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

This is a monthly subscription that you can self-cancel anytime. Payments will start immediately, unless you have a coupon code. This membership is not a substitute for therapy or medical attention of any kind. Although facilitated by a therapist, I understand this is an education and coaching experience and that I am solely responsible for my progress and behaviors. 

Take Out Therapy Club Membership

Take Out Therapy Club is a therapist-led, action-oriented personal growth program delivered to you monthly for a fraction of the cost of therapy. You'll get access to exclusive workshops, bonus coaching, and a supportive community to help you thrive.

  • Monthly Workshops: Led by therapist Rebecca Hunter, MSW, each workshop focuses on a vital topic for a peaceful life. The sessions come with suggested life skills from the Members Only Vault. You'll get practical tips and strategies you can use in your daily life.

  • Bonus Coaching: Get access to exclusive Q&A sessions with Rebecca. Ask your questions and get personalized feedback to help you on your journey.

  • Private Community: Connect with other members in a safe and supportive online forum. Share your experiences, get encouragement, and learn from each other.

Take Out Therapy Club is a great way to invest in your mental health and well-being. Sign up today and start making lasting changes in your life!

Just to make things easy- you can cancel or pause your membership with One-Click & all content is provided in multiple ways- audio, video & PDF's! 

 **Rebecca Hunter, MSW facilitates this Club using relevant, therapy based topics and research backed tools. Mental Health education, coaching and support will be provided- this is NOT therapy- it's well facilitated self-help.