$149.00 USD

This class is not a substitute for therapy or medical attention of any kind. Although facilitated by a therapist, I understand this is an education and coaching experience and that I am solely responsible for my progress and behaviors. 

Back to Calm

Welcome to a therapist-led, action-oriented program ,with easy online access.

You'll get short, simple video lessons, leading you through a therapist designed process to experience much more PEACE in your life.

  • Simple to Follow Lessons: Led by therapist Rebecca Hunter, MSW, each lesson focuses on an area of the healing process. The sessions come with suggested life skills demonstration and worksheets. You'll get practical tips and strategies you can use in your daily life.

  • Therapy Techniques & Tools: Learn some of the most helpful skills taught in the therapy office. You will use some of these skills for the rest of your life.

  • Bonus Classes: Get access to extra coaching sessions on anxiety specific topics. When you comment or ask a question in class, Rebecca will give you personalized feedback to help you on your journey.


Back to Calm is a great way to invest in your mental health and well-being. Sign up today and start making lasting changes in your life!

Just to make things easy- you can cancel or pause your membership with One-Click & all content is provided in multiple ways- audio, video & PDF's! 

 **Rebecca Hunter, MSW facilitates this class using relevant, therapy based topics and research backed tools. Mental Health education, coaching and support will be provided- this is NOT therapy- it's well facilitated self-help in an  empowered environment.